Evergreens such as topiaries are always a beautiful addition to any garden or home. The greenery they provide is unrivaled, and their ability to remain green throughout the year is a true testament to their strength and durability.
However, it’s easy to forget about trimming evergreens, but it’s a crucial task that should not be ignored. Neglecting to trim can lead to problems like overcrowding and vulnerability to pests and diseases. By taking the time to properly trim your evergreens, you’ll ensure that they look good and stay healthy all year long. When should shrubs be cut back? Let’s look at the importance of trimming shrubs before summer.
Why Is It Crucial to Trim Evergreens in the First Place?
Tree trimming is important for many reasons. For one, it helps to remove any dead or diseased branches that could potentially infect the rest of the tree. Diseased branches can spread their illness to the rest of the tree, leading to its death. Trimming also helps to encourage new growth and keep the tree looking full and healthy.
Another reason to trim is to remove any branches that are rubbing against each other. This can cause damage to the bark and leaves and can lead to infection. Finally, tree trimming helps to keep the tree from getting too big for its space. Overgrown trees can become a hazard, especially if they’re located near power lines or buildings.
The Importance of Trimming Shrubs Before Summer
Summer is a critical time for tree care. The hot weather can put stress on the tree, and if it’s not healthy to begin with, it may not survive the summer. That’s why it’s so important to trim your evergreens before this season hits. This will give them a chance to recover from the trimming and to get a head start on growing new leaves and branches.
It’s also vital to trim before summer because this is when most pests and diseases are active. By trimming your evergreens, you’ll remove any infected branches and leaves, which will help to keep the pests and diseases from spreading.
Finally, summer is typically when storms hit. If your evergreens are overgrown, they’re more likely to be damaged in a storm. Trimming them back will help to reduce the risk of damage.
How to Trim Evergreens
Now that you know why it’s so important to trim evergreens, let’s take a look at how to do it. Start by assessing the tree. Look for any dead or diseased branches and remove them first. Next, look for any branches that are rubbing against each other. These should be trimmed back so that they’re not touching.
Once you’ve removed the dead and diseased branches, you can start to trim back the tree. Start by cutting back any overly long branches. Cut them back to where they branch off from the main trunk. You can also trim back any branches that are growing out of proportion to the rest of the tree.
When you’re finished trimming, take a step back and assess the work. Make sure that you’ve removed all of the dead and diseased branches and that the tree is a manageable size.
If you follow these steps, you’ll be sure to have a healthy and beautiful evergreen all summer long. If you don’t have the skills or knowledge to trim your tree, you can always hire a professional tree service to do it for you.